Do dried flowers last forever?

5 min read

Giving a flower to someone indicates that the sender is trying to convey an implied message to the recipient. People can express feelings of affection, friendship, purity, and kindness through them. The more people are interested in showing their feelings through the flower; it must be related to the great demand to buy flowers in florist shops.

It is common for florists to provide dried flowers as an alternative to floral arrangements in order to fulfill people’s wishes. As a substitute for a fresh flower, they have unique uses and benefits for several occasions. To know more about the benefits, let’s get to know directly about dried flowers.

What are dried flowers?

Dried flowers are fresh flowers that are naturally dehydrated to remove the moisture content in them. The process of drying is intended to make them last longer than fresh ones.

This dehydration process can be done in several ways, such as hanging and pressing. The drying process by hanging can be done by tying them upside down on a hanger. In this process, it is recommended that they’re not exposed to direct sunlight because it can fade their natural color. Therefore, this process must be carried out in a dry and hot place with air circulation.

Meanwhile, the drying process by pressing can be done by placing fresh blossoms between two white papers, generally on HVS paper, then tucked in a book. Next, the book is placed with a pile of other books on it. Several things need to be considered from this method, such as the condition of the paper must not be wrinkled and textured because this can make the paper pattern printed on the petals.

Characteristically, they have a fragile texture, and faded colors. It’s just that, if you pay close attention, they do not have a different shape than fresh flower. Even in terms of quality, they have several advantages that are beneficial to people.

Benefits of dried flowers

Dried flowers as home decoration

One of the advantages of buying dried flowers Singapore is that you can obtain the ability to live long, even from several months to several years. That’s why people choose them as decorations at home. Additionally, they also do not require extra effort for care.

You only need to spray an automatic air pressure spray to clean the dried floral arrangement decorations from dust. Also, you have to make sure that you are at a safe distance for spraying, so it doesn’t fall out.

Besides being used as home decoration, you can also use it as an enduring gift, for example, for a bouquet at a wedding in which the blooms can be stored later as a memorable gift at home. In addition, since they are biodegradable, this implies that they are eco-friendly and suitable for environmental decoration.

Dried flowers as natural fragrance

Do you know another reason why flowers are dried? One of the reasons is to produce potpourri. By definition, potpourri is a floral decoration that includes a mixture of dry fragrance plants. This decoration is generally used as a natural room fragrance at home.

Potpourri has been known since the 17th century in France. Potpourri is made by drying a fragrant plant. Then, the plants are preserved using coarse salt and a mixture to keep the plants and blossoms from rotting for some time until they turn dry.

Afterward, aroma essences are given to make the fragrance stronger and longer-lasting. Ready potpourri is stored in an attractive container so that it can become a beautiful decoration.

In addition, this potpourri box is usually used to symbolize something. The symbol of these blooms has the same meaning as fresh ones.

Less expensive

We know that dried flowers do not have a particular method of care by florists. That’s why the price is affordable. It must be very worth saving money. Moreover, you also get many benefits after getting it, for example, its ability to last longer.

In general, the selling price is not expensive, but some of them also have a high price. The quality of the flower used has become one of the reasons why they are pricey. In addition, the more attractive decorative arrangements are also considered as an indication of an increase in their price.

Availability of various types

Flowers that can be dried are not limited to certain types. You can use all kinds based on your wishes, such as lavender, rose, strawflower, pansies, gomphrena, Baby’s breath, hydrangea, and petunia flowers. The choice of blooms is also related to beautiful colors, unique fragrances, and the ability to last a long time.

That’s all, the reviews have been submitted about dried flowers. The many variations offered can certainly be a consideration for your preference to choose and buy it. Well, in order not to make you curious, in Singapore, you can visit FlowerAdvisor to find out which is your favorite flower arrangement to buy.


Leo Martinez: Leo is a street style blogger capturing and commenting on the latest fashion trends from around the world. His vibrant photography and keen fashion sense have garnered a strong following.

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