How Does Fake Watches Function?

2 min read

The Federation of Swiss Watch Industry is very closely monitoring the marketplace and analyses the current patterns of online counterfeiting. What it discovered is that the approaches have changed with the internet. Counterfeiters are attacking inadequately safeguarded reputable websites by placing hidden pages to offer a link to a “mirror website” of counterfeiters supplying extreme price cuts, as much as 85%. These pirating approaches to boost the exposure of these counterfeiting sites, as well as to make matters worse, duplicating this operation time as well as again makes these illegal pages reach the top of internet search engine checklists.

The second pattern originates from the growth of the Material Delivery Network. Initially carried out to quicken material transmission, it offers the opportunity for counterfeiters to hide the original IP address hosting the site. Today, some websites can become middlemen of counterfeiters “without their knowledge,” as well as the renowned “neutrality of the Web” is commonly conjured up not to accept authorities.

However, the market has started to react to social networks, which rapidly ended up being a simple platform to present fake deals, as well as countless advertisements have been taken down in 2014, as well as safety nets are being put in place with the largest social networks’ teams.


This can describe why the watch market has been a late internet adopter. However, they lastly realized they cannot neglect this new network, as well as a large percentage of CEOs, consider it as one of their major emphasis for the years to find, as the Watch Sector Research study 2015 programs, even though opening up own-stores continue to be the primary concern. Securing circulation margins and control over the brand name experience delivered is even more important in unsure times.

If you are searching for a counterfeit watch [นาฬิกาก๊อป, which is the term in Thai], please visit the link.


Leo Martinez: Leo is a street style blogger capturing and commenting on the latest fashion trends from around the world. His vibrant photography and keen fashion sense have garnered a strong following.

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