How To Take Good Care Of A Batik Dress?

3 min read

Because they represent the very foundation of modern art that people are familiar with today, traditional arts should not be overlooked. Without the inherited traditional batik method, modern clothing in Singapore with batik patterns would not be possible.

If you love this clothing art, the more you should learn how to take good care of it. Otherwise, any batik dress you have in Singapore will not last long.

Below are some tips you should remember.

1. Use Gentle Detergents

You should use gentle detergents when washing your batik clothes because they contain harmless chemicals that will not ruin the batik patterns. Remember to use an appropriate amount of gentle detergent will only create a surplus of suds, which will require you to add more rinsing.

2. Soak It In Cold Water Before Washing 

Every batik dress in Singapore is dyed with various colours, and soaking each one in a separate basin with cold water will help set the batik patterns and prevent bleeding. Once you receive your order online, you should do this with your batik clothes before washing them. Doing so should help prolong the colours.

3. Avoid Using Bleach

Bleach is not the same as detergents. Besides, they contain harmful chemicals, but they have different uses. Detergent is for cleaning clothes, while bleach is for treating tough stains.

In other words, using bleach will cause the batik patterns on your cotton dress in Singapore to fade. The colours will no longer become vibrant, and there is a chance of colour bleeding.

4. Never Wash It With Other Clothes

Just like how you segregate the colours while doing your laundry, you should consider creating another separate portion for batik clothes. Doing so will prevent colour bleeding with other regular clothes.

5. Better Not Use A Washing Machine

No matter how convenient a washing machine is, it is not ideal to use this equipment for batik clothes. The best option is to wash the batik clothing by hand to avoid a hazard.

6. Try Not To Squeeze The Batik Dress When Drying

Try not to squeeze the batik dress when washing it. Otherwise, it will leave a mark on the fabric. Consider fluffing the fabric to smoothen the material and prepare the wet clothes for air dry.

Need To Get A New Maxi Dress With Batik Patterns In Singapore?

Get yours now at Anmako Singapore! This clothing shop is known to sell quality clothes with seamless batik patterns. Consider shopping now while they offer 20% off for your first purchase. Go to Anmako Singapore’s website and see their batik dress collections for yourself!


Leo Martinez: Leo is a street style blogger capturing and commenting on the latest fashion trends from around the world. His vibrant photography and keen fashion sense have garnered a strong following.

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